Tuesday 4 August 2015

The One Where I Say Hi!

Hi world!

So this is my 4th blog post now and I've realised that those of you who don't know me on a personal level may like to find out a bit more about me and what my blog aims to promote. 

If I'm totally honest, I don't know where this blogging will end up taking me, but all I can say is that it started out through a series of summer evenings when I started contemplating life's deep issues (this is what the holidays do to me!). Hence the "Midnight" aspect of the title came about because so far, all of my posts have been written in the early hours of the morning - I don't know if anyone else agrees but this is definitely the time when thoughts flood my mind, and so I write at my best then! 

Now, any good friend of mine will be able to explain the "Tea" part of the blog name - I'm completely tea obsessed, drink around 4 cups of the stuff a day, and any period of anxiety/stress/happiness/deep thoughts generally involves a big mug of PG tips! Plus, so far all my blogs have been written in around 20 minutes, roughly the same amount of time it takes me to get through a cup of tea! And yes, this definitely resembles Carrie Hope Fletcher's YouTube videos which always show her drinking tea; she's a definite inspiration of mine, writing wise :)

So that explains the name, but what's all the purpose to all this caffeine drinking and early morning "brain splatters", if any? Well in part, I guess you could consider it to be an outlet for my frustrations and confusion with life issues, from exams, finishing school to social pressures, but more importantly, this blog isn't aimed to be just about me. Its main purpose is to advise, inspire and provoke thoughts among readers, following the lessons I've learned so far, and I'd love it to be interactive so feel free to comment with blog ideas/concerns/musings! From discussions I've had with friends, it seems like it's not just me who's struggling to cope with factors such as change, growing up, and finding yourself (when Location Services doesn't cut it! I refer to maturity and personal development here, not geography!). I also really enjoy helping people, whether it be through volunteering, teaching or giving words of advice to those who need a bit of uplifting. So take this little corner of the internet as my take on the big wide world and how I'm surviving in it!

Now a little bit about who I am, aside from being a lost soul who enjoys scrolling through blogs, watching YouTube videos (and recently featuring in one!!), and aimlessly tweeting, I'm a teenager who's recently finished Sixth Form and I'm hoping to study Spanish with some Linguistics at Uni, starting this October! Cue the reason why at this stage in my life I'm starting to explore new opportunities, embrace change and learn to move from childhood to adulthood *shudders and jumps onto swing to bring back the good old days*. Some friends may even describe me as "funny" (this is widely debated and most come to the conclusion that being a comedian is not my calling in life) and my side comments tend to feature some appallingly bad humour.. apologies in advance! 

On Twitter, I describe myself as a "Christian, tea lover, radio presenter, reader, writer, Lushie, musician, linguist and generally a partly positive, mostly crazy character (:" which I feel just about sums me up. Some would say "Jack of all trades, master of none" and I'm inclined to agree. Only change the "Jack" to "Jackie" for good measure!! To a certain extent, I have no idea what I plan to do as a career, but at the moment I'm perfectly happy that way. Roll on the new exciting opportunities and a future in which anything could happen *sings Ellie Goulding*!

I couldn't write a post about the inspiration for my blog without mentioning a certain blogger who put the whole idea in my head, and has featured my first post, "Why Are We Waiting?" on her page a few weeks ago.  The lovely, inspiring Paula has in recent times become a great friend of mine, a source of wisdom, reminder of priorities and someone whose religious faith has led me to become much more spiritually minded. She's simply awesome and her posts have sparked off my creative side! For her spin on the world, check out her blog http://paulapacesetter.com/ and tell her that I sent you!!

I think that's about all I have to ramble about for now! But please share these posts if you enjoy reading them, and let me know what you'd like me to write about - I'd love to hear from you!




  1. Yay I love that you've started a blog!! Looking forward to reading more!!:) xx

    1. Thanks Amy! Check out my latest post about languages - may bring back some Dortmund memories :) xx

  2. Yay I love that you've started a blog!! Looking forward to reading more!!:) xx
