Monday 21 September 2015

My World Speech

Hi everyone! First off, major apologies - I know I haven't posted on my blog for a little while now, and by way of explanation, I've been pretty ill!! I came down with some sort of virus and it put me out for almost two weeks, but the good news is I'm almost fully recovered now, and back to regular uploads :)

World Speech? What's that all about? Well recently I googled "deep life questions" (I was in a very philosophical mood everyone, don't judge!) and I came up with a page of amazing questions on a site called - so what better way to spend my time whilst ill than talking to my lovely friend Shanita about a couple of them! 

One of the questions that most sticks in my mind from the discussion we had is "If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds?".

In response, I typed out some spontaneous thoughts and came out with the following "speech" - and I realise that it's quite generic and more aspirational than practical. Anyway, here goes:

"Love yourself, love each other, find peace with each other because war only ever leads to pain and destruction. Find a way to solve your disputes and realise the important stuff to you before it's too late. Live in the moment, and be grateful for all you have. Help others as much as you can - you never know when you may need help back."

Now I've timed this and it's only about 20 seconds... I never was any good at estimation!

So what would you all want to tell the world, if given under 30 seconds? I'd love to hear your responses! 

Massive thanks to Shanita for listening to my late night philosophical rambles and not completely dismissing my nonsense!!


  1. Be your truest self; be free. Don't be ashamed of what you do and become, as long as you're not actively or purposely hurting anyone. If you do feel shame, you're doing it wrong :)

    -K.(Hi Jenna!!)

  2. Hi K! What a lovely message :) I think the world should hear that one - especially the part about being true to yourself!
